
What I’ve read, what I’m reading, what I should be reading, and what I’m telling other folks to read.

What I’m Reading:


Baedecker’s Scotland and the Caledonian MacBrayne magazine. I want to be here:

Duntrune Castle


Literary junkfood, I’m sorry to say. Nothing counters the incessant stress of the holidays like some good old mindless romance. I can’t even name an author or, really, a title; the keywords in my head that determine what I pick are things like “Scotland,” “historical,” or — always a favorite — “masked hero.” It’s silly, it’s trashy, it’s a bit embarrassing, but sometimes ya just need some cheap, processed sugar in your diet.

What I Should be Reading:


My email.  and the Go book. >.< It’s not so much the reading…it’s the introspective worksheets. No time for it.See my rant from December.


How to Start a Home-Based Craft Business <– Mel and I were discussing this idea the other day, and it seemed to bear a closer look. Currently sitting on my nightstand underneath the aforementioned bibliotwinkie.

The Griffin and Sabine series <– recommended by a co-worker at the library. She says we’re going to talk about it when we’ve both finished reading (or re-reading, in her case), so I guess I really should get on that.

What I’m Recommending:

Odd Girl Out <– Read this way back when, while I was still working at Quail Ridge, and found it to be one of the better treatments of the subject. Queen Bees and Wannabes covers some of the same territory but is more of a strategic guide for parents, whereas Odd Girl takes a more sociological approach. Thought-provoking and helpful for dealing with uncomfortable group dynamics socially and in the workplace.

Not to People Like Us <– Domestic violence and partner abuse are sort of sensitive issues with me, and I was glad to find a book that dealt with the more subtle forms of torture. “Abuse” doesn’t have to involve a trip to the ER to be real, and while it’s much harder to prove if there are no bruises, it’s no less damaging to the people who endure it, witness it, or look the other way. Books like this are invaluable because they not only educate the public about this very real (and growing) problem, but they encourage victims to seek help, and professionals to take them seriously. I know from experience how hard it is to look a cop/counselor/judge in the eye, fearing that they’ll simply say, “awww…is your [boyfriend/husband/roommate’sbrother’scousin] mean to you?” The more we can teach people, both in the professional community and the general public, that mean can be abuse too, the more we can prevent psychological and emotional torture.

*climbs down off soapbox*


  1. krishyana said,

    December 19, 2007 at 11:08 am

    oooh I need to add that “How to Start a Home-Based Craft Business” book to my wish/library list. I was thinking about that last night when i was making christmas projects. it’s something i’m really interested in doing, so let’s keep that in mind. 😉

  2. krishyana said,

    February 22, 2008 at 10:04 am

    as soon as this dang symposium is done, i’m so ready to start sinking my teeth into so me scotland planning!!! when are we going ? 🙂

  3. perhapsody said,

    February 25, 2008 at 10:37 pm

    may ’09, baby! who’s with me??

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