Hi Mich!

/point blogroll

/cheer LeafyMich

hi hon! 🙂

Catching up

i’m redeeming my waning friend faction tonight.  i’ve shamefully neglected all your lovely blogs during this ridiculous month, but as of tonight i should be caught up and commented.  please forgive the late replies.  i’m not even sure why it’s almost february.  didn’t we just have new year’s??

i keep thinking about my story “Marrying Sabrina.”  still think it may end up being romancey, although i’m going more for the katie fforde brand than the bodice-buster.  but every time i sit down at my computer, i do other things.  mel, when we doing that writers’ brunch? i need some motivation!  or at least incentive and a deadline. 😉

by the by, does anyone happen to know where i can find a largish tract of land within easy driving distance of morrisville, with no mowing, a four-bedroom house, low-maintenance wood siding, garage preferable, lots of trees, and a first-floor master bedroom?  for under $200k?



good night, ladies.  if anybody needs me, i’ll be in the real estate listings. :o)

what price vanity?

it’s no secret i hate my weight.  i figure i’ve got about 60, 70 lbs to lose, easy.  maybe even 80.  but it appears that self-reproach isn’t enough motivation to do something about it.

i think it hurts my get-up-and-go that it’s really not a health issue.  despite the fact that i’m carrying extra weight, i’m in relatively decent shape, i’m active, and i don’t have any health issues (apart my hereditarly  bad knees).  it’s really a matter of image and confidence, aka–says the voice in my head–vanity.  and i just  can’t seem to fit such frivolity into my schedule.

we’ve established in the past that i work better in a group.  i can pencil in a class, feel like someone’s waiting for me to show up, and end up going on a regular basis.  plus, it’s fun.  however, classes in this area run between $60 and $80 per month (for about 8 sessions).

i’ve got a nice gym membership — at $12/month, it’s a great deal…if i go.   but it doesn’t include classes.  i’m trying to convince myself to just GO and WORK OUT.

i love to walk, and there’s some nice safe sidewalks around my neighborhood, not to mention the lake near work.  but somehow (again) there never seems to be time in the schedule for random wanderings.

i’m in the market for ideas. >.<